Lets get Hygge - Lets get Hygge
Hygge November 7, 2016

Lets get Hygge

Definition:  Hygge {‘Hoo-ga’}

“A deep sense of place & well-being; a feeling of friendship, warmth,contentment & peace with your immediate surroundings”


Usually inadequately translated into a generalized version of Coziness,  Hygge is an important part of the Danish psyche, a way of living or lifestyle that the Danes have created which nourishes the soul. It has nothing to do with material possessions but everything to do with people, relationships, family, happiness and enjoying the moment and all played out and  wrapped up in an intimate setting. Given that the Danes are apparently the happiest people on the planet, I think they may be onto something.  I am sure you have not missed the proliferation of posts and blogs advocating the benefits of Hygge, but in case you have been living in a cave this is my take on how to get Hygge.

Higglistic in the home I love nothing better than to change all my accent colours with the seasons, Autumn being my favorite, when you can stack up on accessories such as wool throws and cushions, a cheaper way to update your room without great expense. If you are lucky enough to have an open fireplace then fill it with cut or scented logs, cedar, apple or pine to provide the perfect fragrance at this time of year. Bring the outside in. A beautiful vase filled with twigs is simple but effective you could even add a touch of glam with a string of fairy lights strung around the branches and a few pine cones threaded on string.   Piles of books stacked up on a side table, a lamp providing a warm glow creates the perfect place to snuggle up with a warm cuppa. Relax and enjoy the moment.

Candles & lots of them –  Tea lights, fairy lights, think Nigella Christmas Kitchen. The more strings of twinkly lights the better.  With the nights drawing in turn off the harsh overhead lights and instead switch on the side lamps bringing a cozy feel to any rooms using soft white bulbs for a warmer glow. Centre stage is the humble candle whether its a bunch of Tea lights from Ikea, or the most expensive and divine candles such as Dyptique, Jo Malone or Miller Harris. My Candle of choice is by True Grace and you can buy them locally at Number Twenty, Berkhamsted where all profits go to support The Hospice.

Blankets & Cushions in these beautiful dare I say it shades of grey are the perfect Hygge vibe and I love this new trend of knitting on huge needles or even your hands. A cosy throw will add that special touch to any room and being wrapped up in a merino wool throw such as this one will feel like heaven. Extreme knitted blankets are a real show stopper and conversation piece, chunky, soft and supple you can get lost in them.

Food & Drink with friends  – An essential part of the hygge vibe is spending time with family and friends preferably around the dinner table.  We are not talking about fine dining and the latest recipe, more an intimate gathering with those you love, talking and sharing stories with good old simple food- it’s often the company not the food that makes the best evenings. Ask anyone who knows me well, dinner at my house is always a hands on affair come on in get comfortable and get involved, from tearing bread for the starter, family style food for sharing and cosying up with coffee after the washing up is done.

Hot Chocolate – thought I would save the best till last have included the link to the best hot chocolate recipe don’t forget the cream and throw in the marshmallows to finish. For the Best Hot Chocolate Click Here to view

Lets get Hygge